
XML URL Decoding

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Ln: 1 Col: 0

XML URL Decoded Online

XML URL Decoding is easy to use tool to Decode XML data which are encoded with URL encoding. Copy, Paste, and Decode.

What can you do with the XML URL Decoded?

  • It helps to decode your XML data to Plain XML.
  • It uses the decodeURIComponent method of JavaScript to decode the data.
  • This tool allows loading the Decoded XML URL, which loads decoded XML strings and converts to XML text. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit.
  • XML URL Decoded works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

Example of XML URL Decode

XML URL Decoded


Plain XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
		<Name>Berkshire Hathaway ( BRK.A)</Name>
		<Market_Capitalization>$655 billion</Market_Capitalization>

For Advanced Users

External URL

Load External URL in Browser URL like this https://anydoor.travelroute.uk/xml-url-decoding?url=external-url


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