
C# Escape / Unescape

Enter the String

Size : 0 , 0 Characters

The Result String:

Size : 0 , 0 Characters

C# Escape

C# Escape is easy to use tool to escape plain C# to escaped CSharp which helps to show CSharp text in C# in <pre> tag. Copy, Paste and Escape.

What can you do with C# Escape?

  • C# Escape is very unique tool to escape plain CSharp.
  • This tool saves your time and helps to escape Csharp data.
  • This tool allows loading the Plain C# data URL, which loads plain data to escape. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit.
  • Users can also convert plain C# File to escaped C# by uploading the file.
  • C# Escaper Online works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.


C# Try it.

using System;
namespace Example1 {
    class Program {
   		public static void value(int num) {
   		public static void reference(ref int num) {
   		static void Main(string[] args) {
   			int num;
   			Console.Write("Enter a number:	");
   			num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
   			Console.WriteLine("Value Type");
   			Console.Write("Previous Value:	{0}", num);
   			Console.Write("Current Value:	{0}", num);
   			Console.WriteLine("	Reference Type");
   			Console.Write("Previous Value:	{0}", num);
   			Program.reference(ref num);
   			Console.Write("Current Value:	{0}", num);

Escaped C#

using System;\nnamespace Example1 {\n    class Program {\n   \t\tpublic static void value(int num) {\n   \t\t\tnum++;\n   \t\t}\n   \t\tpublic static void reference(ref int num) {\n   \t\t\tnum++;\n   \t\t}\n   \t\tstatic void Main(string[] args) {\n   \t\t\tint num;\n   \t\t\tConsole.Write(\"Enter a number:\t\");\n   \t\t\tnum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());\n   \t\t\tConsole.WriteLine(\"Value Type\");\n   \t\t\tConsole.WriteLine(\"----------------\");\n   \t\t\tConsole.Write(\"Previous Value:\t{0}\", num);\n   \t\t\tProgram.value(num);\n   \t\t\tConsole.Write(\"Current Value:\t{0}\", num);\n   \t\t\tConsole.WriteLine(\"----------------\");\n   \t\t\tConsole.WriteLine(\"\tReference Type\");\n   \t\t\tConsole.WriteLine(\"--------------------\");\n   \t\t\tConsole.Write(\"Previous Value:\t{0}\", num);\n   \t\t\tProgram.reference(ref num);\n   \t\t\tConsole.Write(\"Current Value:\t{0}\", num);\n   \t\t\tConsole.ReadLine();\n   \t\t}\n   \t}\n  }

C# Unescape

C# Unescape is easy to use tool to unescape C# and converts to plain C# to unescaped CSharp which helps to show CSharp text in C# in <pre> tag. Copy, Paste and Unescape.

What can you do with C# Unescape?

  • C# Unescape is very unique tool to unescape CSharp.
  • This tool saves your time and helps to unescape Csharp data.
  • This tool allows loading the Plain C# data URL, which loads plain data to unescape. Click on the URL button, Enter URL and Submit.
  • Users can also convert plain C# File to unescaped C# by uploading the file.
  • C# Unescape Online works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.


Escaped C# Try it.

using System;\nnamespace Example1 {\n    class Program {\n   \t\tpublic static void value(int num) {\n   \t\t\tnum++;\n   \t\t}\n   \t\tpublic static void reference(ref int num) {\n   \t\t\tnum++;\n   \t\t}\n   \t\tstatic void Main(string[] args) {\n   \t\t\tint num;\n   \t\t\tConsole.Write(\"Enter a number:\t\");\n   \t\t\tnum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());\n   \t\t\tConsole.WriteLine(\"Value Type\");\n   \t\t\tConsole.WriteLine(\"----------------\");\n   \t\t\tConsole.Write(\"Previous Value:\t{0}\", num);\n   \t\t\tProgram.value(num);\n   \t\t\tConsole.Write(\"Current Value:\t{0}\", num);\n   \t\t\tConsole.WriteLine(\"----------------\");\n   \t\t\tConsole.WriteLine(\"\tReference Type\");\n   \t\t\tConsole.WriteLine(\"--------------------\");\n   \t\t\tConsole.Write(\"Previous Value:\t{0}\", num);\n   \t\t\tProgram.reference(ref num);\n   \t\t\tConsole.Write(\"Current Value:\t{0}\", num);\n   \t\t\tConsole.ReadLine();\n   \t\t}\n   \t}\n  }

Unescaped C#

using System;
namespace Example1 {
    class Program {
   		public static void value(int num) {
   		public static void reference(ref int num) {
   		static void Main(string[] args) {
   			int num;
   			Console.Write("Enter a number:	");
   			num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
   			Console.WriteLine("Value Type");
   			Console.Write("Previous Value:	{0}", num);
   			Console.Write("Current Value:	{0}", num);
   			Console.WriteLine("	Reference Type");
   			Console.Write("Previous Value:	{0}", num);
   			Program.reference(ref num);
   			Console.Write("Current Value:	{0}", num);

For Advanced Users

External URL

Load External URL in Browser URL like this https://anydoor.travelroute.uk/csharp-escape-unescape?url=external-url


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