
Earnings Per Share Calculator

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Earnings Per Share Calculator Online


Earnings per share (EPS) is the part of the company's overall profit on each share which is held by the company's shareholders. EPS is used by the investors to determine the most profitable stock for investing.

To take an investment decision you can compare the EPS values of the company over the last few years. You can also compare the EPS values between few companies to choose the most profitable stock.

The formula for calculating earnings per share (EPS) is as follows:

EPS = (net income – dividends) / common shares

Where net income is the company's total profit, dividends on preferred stocks is monthly, quarterly, and yearly obtained by shareholders, and common shares are the average outstanding shares currently held by the shareholders.

What can you do with Earnings Per Share Calculator?

  • It helps to calculate the EPS (Earnings Per Share) of the stock and helps to project your future profit earnings on preferred shares.
  • Users can see the accurate value of the earnings per share. And also can see the earnings per share value in words.
  • This calculator helps to share your calculations by URL.