Jan 19, 2023
1 min read
JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight data-interchange structure that is effortless for humans to read and write and for devices to parse and generate.
JSON data is represented as a collection of name-value pairs, where the names are strings, and the values can be numbers, strings, arrays, booleans, null or other JSON objects.
Here are the topis to use JSON in Python.
Importing JSON module in Python program
In Python, the JSON module provides functions for working with JSON. The module can be used to encode and decode JSON data.
The json.dump() function can be used to write JSON data to a file, and the json.load() function can be used to read JSON data from a file.
The json.dumps() function can be used to convert a Python object into a JSON string, and the json.loads() function can be used to convert a JSON string into a Python object.